Utterly Indiscreet

Friday, June 23, 2006

Spoiled Rich Kids

I can't help but criticize parents who spoil their kids. For example, they give their kids credit cards or buy them whatever they want. The kids never have to do chores for an allowance or take a part-time job to make pocket money.

I think parents are not good parents if they don't teach their kids about money. They should teach them that money comes from hard work. They should teach them to save money and share it with others. Or show them that it's good to give some money to charity or use it to help others.

I remember having part-time jobs throughout university. I didn't want to ask my parents for money and I really learned the meaning of money because I worked.

I am really surprised at how many teenagers I know who have never worked a day in their life. Their parents just hand them things. It's terrible. No wonder kids today are so bratty and lazy.


  • At 11:50 AM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I have to agree. Spoiled kids become spoiled and selfish adults. I have to bite my tongue from telling some parents what to do with their bratty children. Actually, when I see one having a temper tandrum on the bus, I give them a mean look or I tell them to stop it.

  • At 11:50 AM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I have to agree. Spoiled kids become spoiled and selfish adults. I have to bite my tongue from telling some parents what to do with their bratty children. Actually, when I see one having a temper tandrum on the bus, I give them a mean look or I tell them to stop it.

  • At 8:38 AM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    It depends. Probably like 40% of the time I tell them to stop it. They are disturbing everyone on the bus,so why not?

    The problem is if everyone tolerates this kind of behaviour and the parents don't tell the kids it's not acceptable, then they never learn that it is not acceptable behaviour.

  • At 8:57 AM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    If they are being super bratty, I have to say something. Why should one child ruin a bus trip for everyone else? It's even worse when you are stuck on an airplane with one.


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