Utterly Indiscreet

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Extreme Noise

Why do construction companies think they can make as much noise as they want and whenever they want? There is a condo being built near me and the construction is going on all the time!

It's really disturbing the peace around here. For example, they were hammering and pouring cement on Monday night at 9:30 at night. I saw a cement truck drive into the construction area. It's ridiculous.

Moreover, the hammering started at 8 am today. And it's Sunday! What the fuck? Don't they realize that people are still sleeping?

I have already called NEA (National Environment Agency) to complain on Monday. I may have to call them again.

I am going to keep complaining until NEA does something. This is not acceptable.


  • At 4:57 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I saw the pics of your slowly disappearing building near you. The noise drives me nuts.

  • At 8:51 AM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I hate the amount of construction that goes on here. It's ruining the environment.


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