Utterly Indiscreet

Friday, July 14, 2006

Cold Update

Drat! The sore throat went away, but have a hacking cough. Sucks to be me. Drinking lots of fluids and honey with hot water. Honey is good for soothing the throat.

Saw the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel with my scooter friend. The movie is too long, but there are some really fun stunts. I especially like the ball cages and the swordfight on the giant wheel.

Love the Davey Jones guy too. The tentacles were pretty cool. If you watch this movie, you have to watch past all of the credits so you can see the extra scene. It's funny. But it has to be all the way to the end of the credits or you won't see it.


  • At 9:53 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I chickened out after reading about 4 accidents in one week. It's too scarey out there. But thanks for your encouragement.

  • At 8:01 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I am not convinced. My doctor friend says he sees people in ER who had bike accidents all the time.

    If car drivers actually knew what they were doing, then I would reconsider. My main concern is being runover by some stupid car driver!

  • At 4:18 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    Thanks for the encouragement. Again! Hmm....I am still nervous about the whole idea. Need to think some more. Also, if I change countries next year, then it's kind of a waste of money.

  • At 5:02 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    I have never had a problem getting a job, so when I feel like it's time to move on, then I move.

    Work is only work. I would not stay somewhere just for a job.

    I have to look at everything i.e. things I want to do, the environment, standard of living etc.

  • At 3:18 PM , Blogger indiscreet said...

    Why not? What's holding you back? Make a plan and do it if you really want to.

    Life is too short to be waiting around and having any regrets about what one should have done.


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